So I believe we left off with our pleasant visit with laurel. Since we have been through Jackson hole and Grand Teton National Park. We have crossed the great divide three times, gone through five thousand foot elevation changes and been dumped on by snow. We cut across all of Wyoming with strain, drama, shenanigans and a healthy dose of weather and wind. We would ride from national forest to painted desert to flat emptiness in a matter of 40 miles. This state taught us a lot about patience and team work and that a town on a map does not mean there is an actual town. Thank you Jeffery City… We learned how to conserve a little more and got less picky about where we slept. Some nights somebody would give us a place to stay, others we improvised and made something for our own. For instance, we rolled up to this gas station at the muddy gap at 10:30 at night and made spaghetti and slept on some dirt next to the little store that was closed. Jared made some lady friends at a Subway, I’ll leave the divulging to him. We also met Aaron who was randomly on tour in Rawlings, caught up with him for a bit and the bartender took us around town, and got some random tweakers to give us their camper for the night.
The ride into Colorado was smooth and an immediate change in scenery, we had 5 people offer us a place to stay in Fort Collins and ended up with this nice vegan couple right near CSU. We went to a pot luck with them and then in the morning we toured the incredible new Belgium brewery (Fat Tire). FREE might I add, plus we got some bonus brews for being bikers, there is an awesome biking story behind the founding of the company. Anywho, we say our goodbyes and head to Boulder slightly buzzed and beat down. Once in town I tried to find Becka’s place off of memory and led Derek and Jared around town for a bit, but I still maintain it was beautiful and well worth the extra ride. Heh. Becka made us an awesome meal complimented with some cold beverages and many laughs to go around. Then Mr. Gruber and Miss Phillipson stopped by and amped up the entertainment; a good night to say the least. It was followed by another wonderful day exploring the town and checking out the bars and getting to know her roommates a little better. Jared and Derek probably got rufied and we ended the night with another interesting story. Today Gatsby and I went for a hike in the flatirons and tomorrow we part ways and make toward Ft. Worth, to visit some relatives. Lessons learned… Subway girls aren’t what they seem, don’t stay in Rawlings, and rubber gloves and plastic bags make terrible snow clothing.
hahaha wowww